LQ-CEPC Dicetyl peroxydicarbonate 26322-14-5

Product NameInitiator LQ-CEPC
English NameDicetyl peroxydicarbonate
Molecular FormulaC₃₄H₆₆O₆
Molecular Weight570.9
Theoretical Active Oxygen Content2.80%
CAS No.26322-14-5
UN No.3116
ClassificationOrganic Peroxide Type D (Solid), Class 5.2

Physical & Chemical Properties


Main Decomposition Products

Decomposition ProductsSubstances
Major Decomposition ProductsCO₂, Cetyl Alcohol

Safety Indicators

0.1 hour84℃
1 hour65℃
10 hours48℃
Thermal Stability DataTemperature
Self-accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT)40℃
Critical Temperature (Tem)35℃
Control Temperature (Tc)30℃
Storage Temperature (Tsmax/TSmin)15℃ / 0℃


Polymerization of Vinyl ChlorideSuitable for suspension and bulk polymerization of vinyl chloride at 45℃-65℃. Produces low "fish eyes" and narrow resin particle distribution. Can be used with initiators like LQ-LPO, LQ-CUPD, LQ-TMPD.
Polymerization of Acrylic and Methacrylic AcidActs as a polymerization initiator.

Packaging and Transportation

Standard Packaging20 kg corrugated cardboard box, containing four 5 kg plastic bags
Custom PackagingAvailable upon request

Storage Precautions

Storage ConditionsStore in a well-ventilated area at a maximum of 20℃. Keep away from acids, reducing agents, flammable and combustible materials.
Handling PrecautionsAvoid repackaging inside the warehouse. Keep away from fire, heat, and ignition sources.

Product Shelf Life

Shelf LifeQuality guaranteed for three months under proper storage conditions

Fire Protection

Small Fire HandlingUse foam or dry powder extinguisher.
Large Fire HandlingEvacuate to a safe distance and use water jets. Notify the fire department.

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No.778, West Section of Huaihe Road, Xixiaochuan Village, Qinchuan Town, Lanzhou New Area, Yongdeng County, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, China
